STEM just got REAL for Students

Getting student buy-in can be a challenge for teachers. Yeti Academy’s STEM courses contain real world activities, projects and relatable videos engage students as they see first hand how STEM relates to their everyday lives and their future. From Science with Sports Med, designing their own Theme Park with Google Workspace Training, or learning Digital CItizenship with Sports PR Agency, students can find purpose and relevance in our courses as they address real-world activities and topics.

Choose from a Growing List of Plug and Play, Teacher Led, and Student Guided Courses

Yeti Academy’s courses contain engaging and relatable student activities, engaging videos, and our differentiated content reaches each student and their own unique learning style; leading them on to success. Course categories include Keyboarding, Coding, Digital Literacy, Digital Citizenship, Science, Computational Thinking, and more.

Gamification Accelerates Student Learning

Statistics show that if your students are having fun, their learning will increase. Yeti Academy keeps fun and student engagement top priority! Yeti’s exciting interface, engaging video content, interactive lessons, game-style study aids, badges and other gamification features keep students right where you want them – engaged.

Yeti Code Thrills Students

Beginning coders learn the fundamentals of coding while advanced coding students can learn more advanced coding skills. All levels of coders can play single player Yeti Code or can invite another student to go head to head in our first to market multiplayer coding game. Want to level up and  design your own custom coding levels? Yep, we have that too!

Google Workspace Training Prepares Students for the Future

Students gain valuable work-place skills learning Google Workspace applications like Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawing, Sites, and more. Snowboard Shop, our Google training for the younger students uses first hand video step by step instruction that makes it easy for young students to follow.

Keeping the 4 C’s of 21st Century Learning a Top Priority

Yeti Academy’s STEM courses have an intentional inclusion of the 4C’s in student activities.

  1. Communication: Conveying ideas quickly and clearly
  2. Collaboration: Working with others to achieve a common goal
  3. Creativity: Thinking outside the box
  4. Critical Thinking: Finding Solutions to Problems

Emphasis on Digital Citizenship weaved into STEM Courses

We know how important online safety is in this ever-changing digital world that is why at Yeti Academy we intentionally include positive digital citizenship techniques and guidelines throughout our courses.

Opportunity for positive student-to-student interaction with “Kudos”

Whether your students are learning in class, remotely, or both, Kudos gives students the opportunity to send an encouraging message to their fellow students and teammates in Yeti Academy selecting from an array of “canned” messages.

Encourage Student Collaboration with “Teams”

Yeti Academy’s “Teams” feature encourages collaboration and teamwork among students.  Students can assign roles, share content, set goals, and encourage one another along. 



Save even more when you bundle Yeti and Typing Agent.

Let’s Get Started


Yeti Academy is available to classes, schools, and districts of all sizes. Choose from Yeti Essentials or Yeti Premium and gain access to all that Yeti Academy has to offer .

Our Customers

Schools & Districts that Use Yeti Academy


What Educators
Are Saying

“My administration is always asking us about ideas/classes they would consider teaching as electives. I would love to teach one of the Yeti modules, because everything would be included and I don’t have to do a lot of planning.”

— S. Harrington, 7th Grade Teacher, California

“Having had a chance to preview Yeti, I love all of the creative elements and components. Each lesson in the 7 modalities is so thorough and well thought out.”

— J. Westover, 6th Grade Teacher, Florida

“I really appreciate how Yeti has thoughtfully weaved Digital Citizenship components into the various technology modules. It supports the efforts our school is making as we strive to instill these qualities in our students as they are increasingly online in a remote environment.”

— T. Jordan, 8th Grade Teacher, Washington State

"It focuses on Google Tools. I even learned things through this."

— A. Campbell, Teacher - Rogers Adventist School, WA

"Students like using it and it is not difficult to get them started."

— J. Matchus, Teacher - St. Anne’s School, TX

"My daughter can work at her own pace."

— J. Ortega, Parent - Ortega Home School, TX

"Our district is excited about continuing the use of YA this school year!"

— S. Davis, Teacher

"Easy to use platform!"

— B. Rogers, Technology Coordinator - Armenian Sisters Academy, PA

"I have enjoyed using Yeti Academy this year and look forward to using it in the future."

— K. Rinehart, Technology Coordinator - Tewksbury Elementary School

"Our students and teachers love Yeti Academy. This program has proven to be a valuable asset in equipping our students with the essential skills needed for success in the digital age. Our students have not only improved their typing skills but have also honed their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well. The positive feedback from students and teachers serves as a testament to the program's effectiveness in preparing our students to be confident and competent digital citizens."

— D. Bracken - Community Schools of Frankfurt

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