4 Reasons to Choose a Customized Curriculum For Your School or Class

Customized Curriculum

A customized curriculum is a growing trend in schools across the country. It’s easy to see why: these curriculums provide the best solution yet for schools with unique missions or teaching philosophies.

Here’s why you too may want to consider a custom curriculum for your school or class:

1. You Can Finally Get the Perfect Resource for Your Teaching Needs

We’ve heard many educators express frustration with curriculum resources because they were unable to find exactly what they needed. Sometimes educators want their curriculum to focus on different topics than most curriculums do; other times they may want to teach concepts in a different way or relate course content back to other subject areas.

Fortunately, educators are no longer limited to published curriculum offerings. With a custom curriculum, you can create or curate your own resources to give your students the ideal learning experience.

2. You Have Greater Control Over Your Students’ Success

Sometimes students learn best in a different way than a curriculum anticipates. When you use a custom curriculum, you can decide which formats and material to use and take more control over your students’ learning.

3. A Customized Curriculum is Adaptable to Fit Different Class Sizes or Assignments

A customized curriculum can easily be adapted to fit different class sizes or assignments. Teachers can use a specialized curriculum for any sized course or implement a module for a special class project or assignment.

Customized Curriculum

4. You Can Make Your Customized Curriculum Match Your Organization’s Core Beliefs and Goals

In many cases, standardized curriculum providers do not have exactly the same priorities as your school. For example, a typical math curriculum may not give many examples of real-world applications, while your school may prioritize a practical approach to STEM that shows students how they can use the skills you are teaching outside the classroom.

Customizing your own curriculum allows you to ensure the material you teach matches your school’s goals and values. You are the one who knows what outcomes you want to see in your students’ education, so you should get to make the decisions.

Create a Customized STEM Curriculum With Yeti Academy

Yeti Academy offers a wide range of courses that can be personalized and customized to fit any classroom. These lessons can be shuffled, renamed, added, or eliminated completely at the teacher’s discretion when and if needed. Teachers can even create a new lesson or entire course from scratch and serve it up using the Yeti platform to their students. Teachers can easily ensure their lessons and courses are appropriate for their specific class.

To top it all off, Educators can also share their curriculums with one another. With customized curriculums, the possibilities are endless!

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Yeti STEM Modules

Yeti Academy provides K-12 teachers, schools, and districts an easy to use and resource rich platform and students an exciting and relevant STEM learning experience. Categories of learning include: Coding, Keyboarding, Digital Literacy, Digital Citizenship, Computational Thinking, Science and more.

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What Educators
Are Saying

“My administration is always asking us about ideas/classes they would consider teaching as electives. I would love to teach one of the Yeti modules, because everything would be included and I don’t have to do a lot of planning.”

— S. Harrington, 7th Grade Teacher, California

“Having had a chance to preview Yeti, I love all of the creative elements and components. Each lesson in the 7 modalities is so thorough and well thought out.”

— J. Westover, 6th Grade Teacher, Florida

“I really appreciate how Yeti has thoughtfully weaved Digital Citizenship components into the various technology modules. It supports the efforts our school is making as we strive to instill these qualities in our students as they are increasingly online in a remote environment.”

— T. Jordan, 8th Grade Teacher, Washington State

"It focuses on Google Tools. I even learned things through this."

— A. Campbell, Teacher - Rogers Adventist School, WA

"Students like using it and it is not difficult to get them started."

— J. Matchus, Teacher - St. Anne’s School, TX

"My daughter can work at her own pace."

— J. Ortega, Parent - Ortega Home School, TX

"Our district is excited about continuing the use of YA this school year!"

— S. Davis, Teacher

"Easy to use platform!"

— B. Rogers, Technology Coordinator - Armenian Sisters Academy, PA

"I have enjoyed using Yeti Academy this year and look forward to using it in the future."

— K. Rinehart, Technology Coordinator - Tewksbury Elementary School

"Our students and teachers love Yeti Academy. This program has proven to be a valuable asset in equipping our students with the essential skills needed for success in the digital age. Our students have not only improved their typing skills but have also honed their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well. The positive feedback from students and teachers serves as a testament to the program's effectiveness in preparing our students to be confident and competent digital citizens."

— D. Bracken - Community Schools of Frankfurt

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